Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC

Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC
Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC

Friday, September 17, 2021

Dewey's Wednesday School


Today I took my new phone for a test ride with the Pivo.  I ended up with an iphone 12Pro, specifically so I could have the good camera for low lighting in the shaded indoor arena.  After using it today on Dewey's ride I'm really pleased.  The video quality is vastly improved, and I can get much better stills from the video.  

Dewey flatted nicely, with a canter that reminded me of a reining horse!  He was low and smooth, and even gave me a little better forward near the end of our ride.  This is pretty typical of him, he likes to stretch out his back with his neck and nose forward and down.  



Once Dewey's consistently moving forwards in this frame with his strides and back lengthened, I'll start to ask him for smaller circles and more complicated footwork over poles.  That will force him to "sit" a little more with his hind end, flexing/bending all the joints of his hind legs which lowers his croup.  When his haunches go down, his front end will lift at the withers like a see-saw and he'll get much lighter with his front.  This is important for progress with his dressage training but also very important for his jumping work.  As the jumps get bigger, he needs to be lighter on his front end because that is what goes up and over first.  Additionally, the thrust or push to get over a fence comes from having the hind legs flexed and "springs loaded". 



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