Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC

Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC
Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC

Friday, April 8, 2016

Vet Day and Fencing Repairs

After I fed all the horses this morning I went out to the west pasture to catch three of the horses for their veterinary appointment.  The west pasture is approximately ten acres, and can make for a long walk to halter a horse who doesn't want to be caught.  Fortunately, my horses are wonderful and easy to apprehend. 

The neighbor's llamas were turned out to play in their west pasture first thing this morning.  It made for a fun hullabaloo to see my horses go galloping across the ten acres to greet the llamas over the fence line.  This happens regularly, when the llamas are let loose my horses simply must rush over to say hello and catch up on the news of the day.  The ponies all crowd the fence visiting with them, Samson is more reserved and watches from a distance away, snorting in apprehension as he still doesn't quite believe they are not noodle-necked aliens. 

The horses were still at the far end of the field as I made my way down to their gate on the other end.  About halfway there I hollered for them, and I called Tao the Haflinger by name.  He immediately turned and began hustling towards my end of the field at a brisk trot with his bushy white mane tumbling around his face and neck.  He was first to the gate, so I haltered him and took him out, then the rest of the herd realized I was there and they all came running.  It's really a humbling feeling to see my previously occupied horses turn away from the most interesting thing they will see all week to hurry over to see me. 

All four dogs were involved in today's 2016 spring veterinary appointment for the horses at Bit of Honey. After the dogs each received their rattlesnake bite vaccines they demonstrated our impressive circus act where I say "Dogs, sit" and everyone sits in a row. Then each one is called by name and comes forward to get a treat. Thank goodness we have Miles to keep everything veterinary in order, I don't know how we would keep track of everyone's vaccines and dental work without his supervision. Thanks to Dr. Landes with Equine Medical Services LLC we can wrap up another big spring appointment as a success.

I was fortunate to have help from a couple friends with the veterinary appointment, catching and presenting horses to the vet for whatever vaccines and dental work was needed.  When we were done and after the vet left, we set to work trying to reassemble the arena.  This week we had 50+ mph wind here on Tuesday, and 25 mph wind Wednesday, and the wind had actually blown down my wind break fence.  It had also somehow lifted up the corner of the heavy metal panels straight into the air, and blown down the entire long side of the arena. 

One of the solid wooden windbreak panels was actually lifted up into the air, thrown about fifty feet away, and crashed into the metal panel fencing at the other end of the arena.  I'm glad no one was in the arena for that!

It took some elbow grease, some power tools, and some attention to physics to get the wooden panels and the metal panels pieced back together, but we got the walls put back where they were supposed to go.  Forrest the new border collie was very dedicated in his efforts to cheer us on and stayed right with us the whole time.  Miles was resting in the garage after a long morning helping with the vet appointment, and Mahzi the dog was taking a nap in the shade in true Labrador fashion.  Thank goodness for the young border collie and two good human friends!

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