Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC

Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC
Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Highboy Jumps the Corner

What should have been a sedate and mannerly warmup was in actuality a presentation of Highboy's ridiculousness.

I stayed on, and once he was focused on the task at hand he morphed into a jumping machine through the bounce grid with an oxer at the end.

Today's goal was to get Highboy jumping a corner.  I set up a barrel with poles on it that then were propped up by jump standards. The goal is to have the horse jump over the poles.  I started with the barrel lying on its side and the poles pretty close together.  To make the exercise more difficult I turned the barrel upright to make it higher, and the next step would be to separate the jump standards to the poles are farther apart.

Highboy took care of this new obstacle with no difficulty.  Some video can be seen here:


Because the lighting in the arena was a little rough with such bright sun and then deep shade in the same photos, Kim H. got some really excellent artsy shots!

I absolutely LOVE the photos which include Miles the border collie.  He is such a staple in my life, going everywhere with me and always ready with an encouraging bark.

I enjoy my animals so much, and I'm so grateful for Kim H. and her willingness to take photos of me and my horses.  I wax sentimental as I ponder the humble beginnings Highboy had here at Bit of Honey, then contrast them with his phenomenal jumping abilities.  I'm very fortunate to have the life I do.

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