Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC

Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC
Welcome to Bit of Honey Training LLC

Friday, September 4, 2020


Recently I came across a bingo card for riding lessons.  It had all the traditional things that you hear at a traditional riding school.  


As I read through it I couldn't help but think of the phrases that would be on a Bit of Honey instructor bingo card.

I then began thinking about the other questions and sayings I find myself repeating frequently in lessons. 

What did you notice?

What was good about that round?

What do you want to change next time?

Why does that work?

Fast is slow and slow is fast.

Give yourself the grace you give your green horse.

As a preview of coming attractions...

We're not going to do that (4' jump, 2** cross country fence) today, maybe next week.

Whatever you do with your body, the horse will do with his.

Can you feel her taking longer strides with her hind legs?

Add a small circle somewhere, then go back to the big circle.  That transition from small to large is where the magic happens.



What are the things you hear frequently in your riding lessons?

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